"As time went on, I began to notice that good things happened to me only when I stopped wishing for them. If that was true, then the reverse was true as well: wishing too much for things would prevent them from happening. That was the logical consequence of my theory, for if I had proven to myself that I could attract the world, then it also followed that I could repel it. In other words, you got what you wanted by not wanting it. It made no sense, but the incomprehensibility of the argument was what appealed to me."Auster, Paul; Moon Palace
Professores gotécos de inglês mandam os alunos ler coisas legais.
2 comentários:
hahahah eu gosto do paul austen, mas quem é o prof. góteco...rs?
E o pior (ou melhor, nem sei) que é bem assim que acontece mesmo...
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